Friday, June 24, 2011

We're all safe!

Hey guys,

I just wanted to post and let you guys know we're all safe in sound. As you may or may not have heard there has been some political unrest in Senegal over the presidency. They don't like him and with elections being next year he is trying to enact some very unpopular laws to keep himself in power. That's the shortened version but anyway Dakar is the capital (where we've been living and doing ministry) so that's where the "action" has taken place. There were some demonstrations downtown yesterday and we live at least 20 minutes from there depending on traffic and didn't leave our compound yesterday almost all day and stayed far away from any protests. It's actually been pretty interesting to observe from a distance, it's not every day you see a fully armed riot squad rolling by on the street. Anyway we aren't in Dakar anymore we're 3 hours from there at a remote location for our debrief. It's very peaceful here and we'll be here the remainder of our trip, were only going back to Dakar to go to the airport basically. I'll let you all know when I get back to America safely on the 28th. Peace and blessings!

In Christ,

P.S. As far as ministry goes we are finished but God is NOT! Even since leaving Dakar I've received a text from Etienne saying he led someone else to Christ! I'm so proud of him :)


  1. Boy did you and God (and Anna's dream) pick a winner! Most of your posts bring tears to my eyes but this one just made me smile and laugh! And's he's communicating with you via text. You sure he's not your twin brother:-)

  2. I just read this and it made me think of your team's summer. Share if you'd like. Proud of all of you!
    So Jesus said to them, "Children, you do not have any fish, do you?" They answered Him, "No." And He said to them, "Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat and you will find a catch." So they cast, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish. John 21:5-6
