Monday, July 5, 2010

long days

So even though the title is long days, and I'll be focusing on two really really long days, I feel like I should at least write something about saturday, and that pretty much flew by. Saturday was my day off of work, and I slept in til about 10:30 which was really nice. When I woke up I did a little bit of cleaning around the room because we do that every Saturday and then a group of us went to In N Out burgers, which is like the cookout of the west coast but its better! I came back and then played some Staff vs. Students basketball which was a ton of fun, we played 3 on 3 and we killed them but then we played 5 on 5 and we lost but the scores weren't really the important thing, mostly it was just a lot of fun. Saturday night I picked up my pay check, took a walk down the wharf, and watched the Sandlot back at the Peter Pan, which was a good movie. Anyway now for the really long stressful days that followed. Sunday was July 4th, which is the busiest day of the year on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Normally, all crusade students have Sunday's off to go to church and have all of our meetings that we need to have to plan for the week, but they couldn't afford to give us all off on the 4th. In fact, as opposed to giving us all off work, we all had incredibly long shifts. On top of having really long shifts, we had at least 3 times the normal amount of customers and the whole thing was just super stressful. Also, that night lots of incidents were happening as everyone left like fights, some being gang fights and some not, people resisting arrest and getting tazed, car accidents, you name it and it was probably happening. We could see most of it from the Peter Pan parking lot because we're like 2 blocks from the boardwalk, and we all have to walk home. Some people didn't get off until close to 2am. I stayed up late watching to see if everyone got back alright cuz I was worried, and as I was sitting by the street I think I saw a police car, fire truck, or ambulance go by at least once per minute. Today everyone on project had off since we normally all have Sunday's off but that didn't mean today was relaxing. It did mean I got to sleep in again but since I woke up its been go, go, go! I had to lead my first evangelism team meeting today, which was long and stressful because to set the tone for a culture of evangelism once the staff leave we are going to be having like 5 outreaches in a matter of 2 weeks, some of them being really huge outreaches. We basically had to plan a giant choreographed beach battle, an evangelistic concert with sound stuff and circuits and advertising and all that, plus a big outreach at the international students hotel, and a few minor ones on top of that all at my first meeting with no staff :). Now I kind of have a breather to write this blog before we have to plan a whole lot of stuff to honor the staff tonight at the Passing the Baton meeting, they leave tomorrow morning! Hope all of you guys are doing well, keep praying please! I love you all!


  1. Wow - that's a lot of outreach you have planned! We'd better keep praying. I did pray for you meeting after I had the pleasure of talking to you.
