Tuesday, June 15, 2010

long time no talk

so yeah since work started its been crazyyy. I had today off which was nice. But I've been working from like 10:30-5:30 pretty much every day except Sunday. We've done another outreach since the last one I told you about. I basically spent the entire thing on the front porch of a drug house talking to this guy, which was pretty cool. I'm starting to get to know my coworkers better and develop relationships, which is why we have jobs in the first place, so thats also a blessing. I'm learning a ton about how to live empowered by the Holy Spirit, and just let God be in the drivers seat of my life. The people here are awesome and I'm getting to know them better and better every day. I know I focus on the good parts of project here and never really say anything bad but it really is shaping out to be the best summer of my life so far. There are bad parts, but they just seem so miniscule compared to all the blessings. Just so it doesn't seem like an unrealistic picture of project I'll go ahead and say that there have been some conflicts, obviously there are always people that just kind of get under your skin. We have been over scheduled like crazy but its fine because its all good stuff and it forces us to grow in faith and rely on God for energy. Sometimes I feel like they put more on our plates than we have time for, which is why I never write this blog anymore. It feels like whenever we get free time we have something they've asked us to read or asked us to memorize, or we have laundry to do or its our turn on clean up duty after the meal. They leave us enough time to spend time with God which is great, and they even schedule 2 hours with God in on Tuesday nights but in terms of time to just breathe and relax its like non-existant. But in general I'm loving project and thats why I usually have nothing but good things to say about it. I love you guys, thanks for taking the time to read this. If you have prayer requests or need to talk please please please text or email or something, I will find the time. You guys are still my best friends and my brothers and sisters in Christ and I can't ever be to busy to pray for you or offer a word of encouragement. I'd love for any and all of you to send me messages on how your lives are going and I promise I'll read them, even if I can't respond. I miss you guys.
In Christ,

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